Our Contacts

For more information and all your enquiries, kindly reach out to us via the following contacts:

Postal Address: University for Development Studies P. O. Box TL 1350 Nyankpala Campus, Ghana.
Phone Lines: 0542321088
Email Addresses: foafcs@uds.edu.gh
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Who We Are

The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences (FOAFCS), located at the Nyankpala Campus, is the premier faculty of the University for Development Studies (UDS), having begun in 1993 as the Faculty of Agriculture.

Email: foafcs@uds.edu.gh Telephone: +233-54-232-1088 Postal address: P. O. Box TL1350 Digital address: NT-0272-1946 Tamale, Ghana
© 2024 Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences