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27th GUSA Cross Country Race - Team UDS Ranked Among Top Six Best Teams
11th July 2024 | News
27th GUSA Cross Country Race - Team UDS Ranked Among Top Six Best Teams

The symbolic starting gunshot which signaled the athletes into action at the 27th GUSA Cross Country Race 2024, was shot by the Special Guest, Prof. Rita Dickson, the Vice-Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology KNUST, hosts of the event.

The Ghana Universities Sports Association (GUSA) Cross Country – 2KM loop – 10KM run which was held on Saturday July 6, 2024 in Kumasi is organised biennialy and hosted by a selected public University, is aimed among others, identify and unearth talented student athletes to represent GUSA at at international competitions organised by the Federation of African University Sports (FASU) and the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

The participating universities fiercely competed in athletics in 10KM and 2KM Loop Run for men and women. The University for Development Studies (UDS), grabbed the 5th position in a closely fought race for the overall best in the 10 Kilometres Race with 95 points for the women and 129 points for the men.  Similarly, UDS placed 6th in the 2KM relay race.

Felicia Babulweri representing UDS, put up a spirited performance to beat her colleagues to 4th position in the women’s category of the 10KM with a time of 39:56: 48 whiles Tininya Kombat placed 9th  in the men’s category with the same race with a time of 32:55:11.

The Director of Sports at the University for Development Studies, UDS who doubles as the President of the Ghana University Sports Association (GUSA), Mr. Shaibu Ibrahim Tanko, speaking at the closing ceremony, congratulated the winners for their hard work and applauded the other participating universities for their continous support to the activities of GUSA.
He commended the sports men and women for their show of sportsmanship and comportment throughout the competition. Mr. Tanko used the opportunity to appeal to the Management of universities to offer incentives such as scholarships to sports men and women to fully realise their potentials.

The sports committee of UDS was represented by Prof. Gideon K. Helegbe (Vice-Dean, School of Medicine), Dr. Abubakari Bawa Abdulai (Director of Health Services), Mr. Yussif Abdullah (Senior Asst. Registrar) and Mr. Frank from Finance Directorate.

Other officials from the Sports Directorate were Mr. Abubakari Burhan (Chief Coach), Mr. Abubakari Mohammed Mubashir (Principal Coach), Mr. Yelewana Zenanta (Senior Sports Coach), Mr. Samuel Kojo Whyte (Senior Sports Coach) and the Administrator Hajia Lutfata.

Story by: Abdul Hayi Moomen & Iddrisu Abdul Malik
(UDS Media)

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The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences (FOAFCS), located at the Nyankpala Campus, is the premier faculty of the University for Development Studies (UDS), having begun in 1993 as the Faculty of Agriculture.

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